Friday, September 4, 2009

Two days to go

Just two days away from take-off. After finishing work today, I will be re-weighing luggage and checking off my checklist. I hope that I have everything packed, but I am sure I am forgetting something. I can't remember when the last time I had to pack one bag for a 13 day trip. I can't really remember the last time I took a 13 day trip at all.

The group will be leaving Atlanta around 2:20 on Sunday for the flight to Tokyo. After a brief (couple of hours) layover, we will be heading to Beijing. Arrival in Beijing is scheduled for 10:30 pm China time. Then, I hope, it's off to sleep as I am sure the next day will be very busy.

I'll try and post once more from Atlanta before I leave, then, it may be a day or so before I update.

Monday, August 31, 2009

One Week Away

This time next week, we should be in Beijing ready to begin an exciting cultural and educational experience in China. I spent the weekend packing and weighing luggage, making sure all liquids were in the proper 3 oz. containers, and organizing my carry on luggage to maximize space and reduce the weight. From previous speakers we have had regarding traveling in China, there is a lot of walking, carrying luggage, and stairs. Hopefully, I have packed accordingly.

I plan to blog daily throughout the trip. I'll begin at the Atlanta Airport before departure and continue, as access is available, each day describing the culture, beauty, and educational experience of the GAVS group.

Check back often between Sept 6-19 for updates, pictures, and details.