Monday, August 31, 2009

One Week Away

This time next week, we should be in Beijing ready to begin an exciting cultural and educational experience in China. I spent the weekend packing and weighing luggage, making sure all liquids were in the proper 3 oz. containers, and organizing my carry on luggage to maximize space and reduce the weight. From previous speakers we have had regarding traveling in China, there is a lot of walking, carrying luggage, and stairs. Hopefully, I have packed accordingly.

I plan to blog daily throughout the trip. I'll begin at the Atlanta Airport before departure and continue, as access is available, each day describing the culture, beauty, and educational experience of the GAVS group.

Check back often between Sept 6-19 for updates, pictures, and details.


  1. I am so excited about the trip! I can't wait to hear about (and hopefully see) all that you are learning and experiencing!!! I am praying for safe travel, great food, a new adventure, good health, and a once in a lifetime opportunity!!! Have a blast...and miss me!!!

  2. Thanks for organizing this for the GAVS group, and I have sent it along ot a few people so they can keep track of all our adventures!
